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Ecostore at panzers exclusively

Introducing EcostorePanzers sells Ecostore

We’re SO proud to be the UK’s exclusive stockist of Ecostore, a New Zealand company which creates products that are healthier for people and our environment.

Ecostore products have a wealth of scientific research and innovation behind them and each product is researched and developed for months ensuring the safest health, environmental and efficacy standards are achieved.

The company was started by Malcolm Rands and his wife Melanie in their home in an eco-village in New Zealand in 1993. They had been using sustainable and organic gardening practices on their property for many years but realised they were still being exposed to way too many toxic chemicals through the cleaning and body care products they were using. As a result, ecostore was born.

We stock the Ecostore hand wash, body wash, shampoo and conditioners, washing detergents, tooth brushes, washing up brushes and so much more.  Head to our household cleaning aisle (behind the fruit and veg) to check out our Ecostore range.

And if you’d like to order your Ecostore on the phone, do call 020 7722 8162 and we can send it straight out to you.

Which are your favourite products and aisles in our store? Tag us into your instagram posts (@panzers_deli) so that we can see!

Nine ways with Ricotta

Try something new with Ricotta todayRicotta suggestions from Panzers

For those of you who aren’t Ricotta fanatics (as we most certainly are), let’s start at the beginning.  It’s a soft, white and unsalted cheese.  Oh and quite the fluffiest cheese around…light, spongy, creamy, glorious fresh cheese.

So now we have your full ricotta attention, let’s see what you could be doing with it:

  • Spread onto toast as a cream cheese.
  • Add honey and fruit for a sweet fix, or mix with ‘nduja, a spicy soft salami, for fiery heat. We love it with our tomatoes: buy a mix of varieties, slice thinly, drape on top and sprinkle with sea salt.
  • Roast or grill peaches and / or figs then serve with ricotta, a drizzle of honey or date syrup and perhaps some crumbled amaretti biscuits to add crunch.
  • Add spoonful of ricotta into soups, pasta dishes or on flatbreads and pizzas.
  • Make a simple tart by rolling out puff pastry then topping with ricotta and a scattering of chopped tomatoes and seasonal vegetables.
  • For a quick dip, mix ricotta with yoghurt or crème fraiche and season with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon. Next, flavour as you like with ingredients such as chopped herbs, lemon zest, grated garlic or spring onions. Give it a final blitz for a smooth consistency.Ricotta serving suggestions from Panzers
  • Make homemade ‘gnudi’ using ricotta, spinach, eggs, flour, garlic and a pinch of nutmeg. You’ll find simple recipes online.
  • Use ricotta to add a creamy layer to home-made lasagne.
  • Add to a cheesecake mix to lighten the consistency.
  • To bake ricotta, turn out into a baking dish and surround with grapes. Try flavouring with sprigs of thyme or rosemary.

With all these ideas what more is there to do but enjoy!

Which are your favourite products and aisles in our store?
Tag us into your instagram posts (@panzers_deli) so that we can see!

Meet Victoria

Have you met the newest member of our team?

Victoria Lott, recently bakery and patisserie buyer for Harrods, has joined Panzer’s as our head of Business Development and Innovation.  If you’re wondering what all that means, read on. We sat down with Victoria (at our Coffee Bar, of course) to find out more.


What does your job title mean?Victoria Lott at Panzers

My main priority will be to continue to source the most fantastic products from around the world for Panzer’s Deli and to continue to surprise and delight our customers every day, through bringing new exciting concepts and fantastic food to the store. Initially, I will be focusing on showcasing our amazing seasonal produce and growing Panzer’s branded products.

How many years have you worked in the food industry?

Since I was 21.  It is all I have ever known, and couldn’t think of working in a better industry. After finishing university, I went to Leith’s Cookery School to complete the Diploma, then I staged in some restaurants, before starting my career in buying. I worked at the Fine Cheese Co. in Bath for a year and a half, before moving back to London to work at Harrods, where I started as the Assistant Buyer for Cheese, Charcuterie and Bakery, before going on to become the buyer for Bakery, Patisserie and Food to Go.

What is it about food?

Ultimately, I love that everyone has an opinion about food. It provokes conversation and brings people together. For Christmas, my brother bought me ‘You and I Eat the Same’ which is a collection of articles collated and edited by Chris Ying and Rene Redzepi promoting the message that good food is the common ground between different cultures, something that I wholeheartedly believe and a gospel that I think should be shared now, more than ever.

When did first visit Panzer’s and what did you buy?

It must have been around 5 or 6 years ago, certainly when the shop looked completely different! I came looking for specific American products and, along with the corn syrup, I bought 4 sesame bagels and some smoked salmon – I can never resist…

Who in the food world has inspired you most over last 12 months?

Two ladies immediately spring to mind. Firstly, one of my favourite patisserie chefs, Terri Mercieca from Happy Endings. She is a brilliant chef, innovative, fun and just completely unique! She runs amazing workshops in her fab new kitchen in Hackney, and I was delighted to discover that her ice-cream sandwiches are already stocked at Panzer’s so I can now get my fix on a daily basis – very dangerous! Also, my friend Felicity Spector who, aside for her encyclopaedic knowledge of the London food and restaurant scene as well as impressive baking skills, goes out for dinner every night – and never skips dessert, which is pretty much my life inspo!

Favourite cookbook at the moment?

I have been cooking a lot from Ottolenghi’s Simple since it came out – his recipes are always a failsafe option and totally delicious. I love this book for post-work quick dinners. And, for bedtime reading, I have been re-reading Nigella Lawson’s How to Eat, after seeing her speak before Christmas. She is definitely an idol of mine, and I was delighted to find out she’s a Panzer’s customer too.

What are you most excited about in your new role?

On my first day I discovered that Panzer’s sells over 9000 products, all artfully curated into such a wonderful space. In my past, I’ve always been limited to working on specific categories, so I am incredibly excited to have more scope to explore. Scouring the globe for the finest artisan foods is going to my mission.

What would be your favourite breakfast?

It would have to be a medium-fatty smoked salmon sesame seed bagel with chive cream cheese, lemon (a little zest and juice), black pepper, capers and lots of dill. Perfection.

Where are you going to start in our aisles?  

Work has already begun on a new range of cakes and treats for Panzer’s Coffee Bar and I am really looking forward to refreshing the cheese and charcuterie selection. There are so many amazing artisan British cheeses and a new wave of artisan charcuterie producers in the UK too.

Which are your favourite products and aisles in our store?
Tag us into your instagram posts (@panzers_deli) so that we can see!

Be my {Panzer’s} VALENTINE

Want to know the secret to a happy Valentine’s Day?Mixed flower display with Panzer's apron

Well, we think we know: COOK AT HOME. Because we think restaurants are best avoided on 14th February – ruined by themed menus and self-conscious couples.

Here are simple and stylish ideas to rustle up a romantic meal on your own terms. All ingredients are available at Panzer’s.  [obviously]

  • Aim for food that is light, creative and colourful. Reds are ravishing, so consider blood oranges, pomegranates, red chicories and, of course, strawberries – we sell the best money can buy.
  • Wake up your beloved with a glass of freshly squeezed blood orange juice – we import this fabulous fruit from Sicily. An extra splash of Prosecco or Champagne gets you in the mood.
  • Later, plan for a stress-free supper. As a starter, use your most beautiful plate as a backdrop for our stunning ingredients. For fish, how about a medley of caviar, smoked salmon and Gravad Lax, with blinis and a squeeze of lemon? Or a mix of charcuterie, with cornichons and crusty bread?
  • White fish is an easy main course. We sell pre-packed fillets to poach or bake. (We love baking in parcels of kitchen foil: cut out a square of foil; rub inside with extra virgin olive oil; put the fillet in the middle; season; add sprigs of herbs and chopped cherry tomatoes; scrunch the parcel around the fish – not too tight; bake at 180C). Or – for the ultimate cheat – how about a platter of sushi?
  • For an elegant dessert, serve a pair of our chocolate fondant cakes from Florence. (The brand is ‘TortaPistocchi’, £3.95 – you’ll find them in the small fridge to the right of the deli counter).These are divine – serve surrounded with fresh berries and a dollop of crème fraîche. There are also versions with coffee and chilli to fire you up.
  • Don’t forget our patisserie chef’s Chocolate Cherry Cake: a heart-shaped chocolate sponge cake (4.5”) with a Callebaut chocolate ganache, candied cherries and sprigs of fresh berries. £16. Last orders by 10am on Wednesday 13th February.

For Valentine cakes, cookies and flowers – last orders by 10am on Wednesday 13th February.


TAHI Manuka Honey now in

You might have noticed that we’ve just stocked up on the most INCREDIBLE Manuka honey.

The Tahi Manuka honey range is from hives in the Tahi ecological reserve in a remote corner of New Zealand.
Range of tahi honeys

And, while most of us know that Manuka honey contains a lot of nutritional and well-being benefits, here are 7 things – we’re pretty sure – you might not know about Tahi Manuka honey:

  • UMF stands for Unique Manuka Honey Factor – the higher the better. Try our Tahi 15+
  • Manuka fights allegies, digestive issues and can even be used externally on wounds and burns
  • Don’t heat it. Take it for your sore throat but don’t put it in hot drinks.
  • There’s absolutely nothing artificial in this Tahi Manuka honey
  • Tahi are all about the health of their bees, which is why they treat honey with such respect. No pollen traps nor bee venom was used to make this honey
  • Harvested, extracted, tested, certified and packed in New Zealand, this honey has a creamy texture and a pretty unique (and delicious) taste
  • And finally Tahi is an eco-friendly, biodiversity positive brand with 100% of their profits go back into their conservation projects

Ask any of our team in store to show you where you can find our Tahi honey – we’re dying to hear what you think of it!

About last night…

Last night Panzer’s threw its (sliding doors) open to PARTY. And absolutely everyone was invited.

The in-house catering team crafted delicious canapés including lobster meat tossed with grated celeriac, grated green apple with wasabi mayonnaise and lime served on a baby gem leaf and roasted beetroot and goats cheese with garlic chives and crushed walnuts followed by mini raspberry mousse cakes and some exquisite chestnut choux surprises as sweet treats. Circling the shop together with lavish platters of mouthwatering Maido sushi, warm saki, beautifully decadent white truffle risotto, cooked on-site by Mercato Metropolitano as well as tastings of Dusty Knuckle’s potato sourdough, some of our fabulous seasonal cheeses – not forgetting our very popular raclette melted over new potatoes…  all in all, our guests feasted until they could feast no more.

Panzer’s Flowers created mini foraged style urns for the outside tables as well as showcasing their impressive skills with abundant urn arrangements by the deli and coffee bar.

Everyone at the party was entered into a prize draw to win one of the Panzer’s Festive Hampers.

All while the 6-piece band, Simply Grey, rocked the shop.

With huge thanks to (on top of those mentioned above):  Babelle, Happy Endings, The Portobello Attic, Biscottilicious, Tea Repertoire, Shemins, Manilife, Alliance Wine, Artisan Olive Oil, Summerill & Bishop, Elinas Brothers and Gus the chestnut man.

Do contact Panzer’s for more information about our catering menus: online@panzers.co.uk

fruit + veg at Panzer’s

Matt Duran is Panzer’s Greengrocer Manager and is a favourite with the team as well as our customers. We caught up with him last week to understand what it takes to make a great greengrocer.


What do you love most about your job?

It makes me feel proud.  Proud of what I do  and the hard work my team put in.  We have wonderful relationships with our regular customers, watching their kids grow up as they watch ours.

What’s often cooking in your section of the store?

A regular customer will tell us what they are cooking for dinner and ask our opinion regarding which vegetables might work best. We loving giving them ideas and, because we have customers from all over the world, we’re always learning about all different world cuisines.

Which is your favourite fruit?

A perfectly ripe Italian Canteline melon. They don’t have a long season but when we have them in stock, I could literally eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My 1 year old baby loves a Peruvian Kent mango (she doesn’t have cheap taste!) and I also buy beetroot a fair amount as my missus is obsessed with it!

What would you say is the hardest part of your job?

I suppose it would be the long hours as, when the shop is shut, we are still working – communicating and sourcing different products with various markets and buyers. But it’s amazing what you get used to when you love what you do!

Your favourite lunch at Panzer’s?

It has to be the Chef’s fish and chips sandwhich – closely followed by #FalafelFriday!

What do you look for when hiring?

A can-do attitude, a willingness to learn and some ‘good old fashioned’ hard work ethic. Experience is not necessary– simply these three qualities and we can turn you into a brilliant greengrocer! That was me five years ago…

What makes a excellent greengrocer is… caring about what you do. Caring about your staff, your produce and your customers – all the small things that people do and don’t notice separates a good greengrocer from an excellent one.

My favourite type of customer is… one who wants advice, our opinions or simply a chat. This is how we create relationships and bonds, by talking and getting to know each other.

What’s working at Panzer’s really like?

To be honest, it is totally different from anywhere I have ever worked. The team here is like another family to me; we look out and care for each other. The owners and management team have always been a massive support to me. I know I can’t find what we have in any other workplace. It’s fair to say Panzer’s really does have a place in my heart.

Matt and his team are in every day of the week – if you would like order something in advance from the market, do email online@panzers.co.uk and your message will reach the greengrocer team.


Panzer’s Flowers

Polly Le Vaillant heads up Panzer’s Flower team. She was creating a customer bouquet this morning (while the customer shopped inside) so we took the opportunity to ask her a few flower-related questions. Do pop by and say hi to Polly and her team – or email her on flowers@panzers.co.uk


Flowers team at Panzer'sWhat makes Panzer’s Flowers different from all those flower stalls in London?

Firstly, Panzer’s Flowers is NOT a flower stall!  Flanking the entrance to the store, we design and create floral creations – from small bouquets to seasonal installations for events and private functions. The floristry team adore creating both the unusual and classic – in fact, the flower team is at their happiest knee deep in leaves with grubby hands and the most beautiful daily delivery from the market.

How many years have you worked with flowers?

I have been working with flowers professionally for over 7 years. My love of all things floral and plant life was founded and imprinted as a child; spending endless school holidays helping my grandmother with floral arrangements for the many charity events she organised, she was a real ‘can do’, stoic sort who saw no boundary to her ability, I relished in the afternoons we spent potting and arranging to our hearts content.

What would be in your favourite hand-tied bouquet – and why?

Now that is a tough question, I’ll break it down into seasons to open up my scope a little! Spring: Heap and heaps of white Narcissi and White Stocks, the scent is delicious, if not sometimes a little overwhelming! Summer: An armful of Peonies and Alchemilla, my parents garden holds an abundance of Alchemilla and it reminds me of home! Autumn: At home, I fill every available surface with mottled Hydrangeas, tall Eucalyptus and any berry I can find. Winter: Roses upon roses, when exciting stock dries up, Winter is the time to fall back in love with the Rose, their tones, shape and architecture.

Best kitchen table flowers?

As a total foliage enthusiast, I adore a jug full of tonal leaves and oily Eucalyptus.

What do flowers say about someone?

Flowers are a luxury; whether gifted to yourself or a loved one, they really say you care, which is a wonderful sentiment in the busy world we all live in.  I recently sent a bouquet to an old friend and she was totally overwhelmed. It had taken me 5 minutes to arrange but put a HUGE smile on a tired mummy’s face.

What do flowers in an office say?

Flowers in an office say you care about the working environment for your staff (flowers and plants make people happy, it’s a fact), that you care about creating warmth and friendliness and that despite sitting inside of 7 hours a day, there is a glimpse of nature’s best work sat right next to you.

How often should we change the water in our vases?

Changing the water every 2-3 days can substantially increase their longevity.  On every water change cut a centimetre off the stems too. If you have some Brassicas, I would suggest every 1-2 days, as the water can get a little smelly! It is really important that you cut the stems when you get your flowers home too, every cut starts a new drinking cycle.

Which house plant looks stunning but can’t be killed (easily)?

Succulents and cacti are really quite fool-proof; also fig trees look brilliant and are easy to look after.

A dinner party table arrangement should make you eager to sit at the table and soak up the ambience created by beautiful flowers or plants.

Who would you LOVE to make a floral gift for?

I’m not much of a celebrity spotter, so I would absolutely love to make a floral gift for my grandmother. She passed away before I became a florist and I would adore her to see my flowers.

Do you do at home/in office consultations?

YES, absolutely! Previous to Panzer’s I ran my own studio-based florist concentrating on in-home designs, corporate contracts and events. This kind of work is where I’m most comfortable, Please do email flowers@panzers.co.uk or pop by to speak to the Flowers team.

What price do you bouquets start at?

We have bouquets ready to go on the stand from £25 and meadow style posies from £12 but can throw something together for any price. Flowers should be accessible and we are keen to work with all budgets.

Panzer’s Flowers is open Tuesday-Sunday.

Order your entire Thanksgiving feast from Panzer’s Deli

How many times have you found yourself wishing someone else could make and deliver your Thanksgiving meal for you, your family and all those friends you’ve invited?

It’s the slow-roasted free-range turkey in a honey, orange and whisky glaze, all those delicious sides including triple roast potatoes, vegetarian stuffing bites, shredded Brussels sprouts with turkey bacon and the American all-favourite pickled red cabbage which might have you screaming YES to our catering team… even before you’ve chosen between the mouth-watering Pecan and Pumpkin Pies.

All you’ll need to do is talk to our Panzer’s flower team about how you’d love your table arrangement to look, lay the table (have you seen our Summerill and Bishop linen-feel paper tablecloths with matching napkins?) and we will deliver the rest.

Call us on 020 7722 8162 or email online@panzers.co.uk to create your very own bespoke stress-free Thanksgiving where you can actually mingle with guests and enjoy the party!

Dish that Fish

Have you tried our Panzer’s own brand fish? Pollock, Cod, Haddock, Flounder, Mackerel and Hake are all in season right now and we’ve collated three of our favourite recipes to get you into an Autumnal fish mood.

Come and join in the conversation over on our Instagram feed where you can tell us about YOUR favourite fish recipe.

Just a quick note on sustainability…

If you enjoy eating fresh fish but are unsure of how seasonality affects their sustainability, we can shed a little light here and tell you what we’ve learnt since we recently started to stock our own Panzer’s Fish.

As it turns out, many factors influence the seasonality of fish. The first point you need to be aware of is that you won’t find us buying fish during their breeding or spawning times nor below the size at which they mature. This will, of course, help maintain stock levels.

We also make sure that we are well aware of any adverse weather conditions when we consider the fish available in any given month. That way we know we’re not creating a strain on the food chain. When you’re next in store – come and chat to us about Panzer’s fish. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Which are your favourite products and aisles in our store?
Tag us into your instagram posts (@panzers_deli) so that we can see!


Local London Delivery

Due to the nature of our range, some items can only be delivered within the London area. If your order containers any flowers or fresh fruit then you will need to live locally to be able to have it delivered. Sushi is delivered within a 3 mile radius of our store.

Nationwide Delivery

All other goods can be delivered nationwide (excluding Highlands and Islands) via our partner couriers. There is a slightly larger delivery cost for this service outside of London.

Collection In Store

Everything on the store can be ordered for collection from our store. Orders must be picked up on your chosen collection date, and can be picked up from the store between the hours of 9am – 6pm, seven days a week. If your order was placed online, please bring your order confirmation when collecting.

Certain goods can be sent overseas, please call for more information.